Extract Text Between Two Characters in Excel

Extract text between two characters in a cell. This video looks at how to extract text between two forward slashes (/) in Excel. It will not be straightforward and multiple functions are used together to achieve it.

The LEFT function is used to extract a specified number of characters from the start of text. And the MID function is used to pass the relevant text to it. FIND functions are used to locate the two characters for the formula.

=LEFT(MID(B3, FIND(“/”, B3)+1, LEN(B3)), FIND(“/”, MID(B3, FIND(“/”, B3)+1, LEN(B3)))-1)

The formula above can be adapted to your needs. The characters may be different but the process remains the same.

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Tag: substring in excel, Microsoft Excel (Software), computergaga, extract text between two characters, extract text, after character, before character, separate text, extract text between two characters in excel, mid function, mid function with find in excel, mid len find function excel, mid function in excel, excel extract text between two dashes, excel text functions, excel formulas

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