Spring Boot Export Data to Excel with Apache POI Example

Learn to code Export to Excel function for an existing Spring Boot application using Apache POI library. The export feature allows the user to download data from database as Microsoft Excel document.

I will implement export Excel for a Spring Boot project that uses Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, Thymeleaf and MySQL. Exporting a list of users to Microsoft Excel xslx document.
You will also learn how to generate Excel file name based on current date time, and how to format cells in the Excel file.

– Technologies: Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA + Hibernate + Thymeleaf
MySQL JDBC driver

– Software programs: Java Development Kit (JDK), Spring Tool Suite IDE, MySQL database server and MyQL Workbench tool

For exporting data to other file formats, check these videos:
– Spring Boot Export Data to CSV:
– Spring Boot Export Data to PDF:

Tag: export excel java, Java, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Apache POI, spring export to excel, Spring Boot export to excel, Spring Excel export, Spring MVC excel export, Spring Boot Excel export, Spring excel download, Spring Boot excel download, Spring Boot download Excel, Spring download Excel, Spring Boot generate Excel, Spring boot Apache POI, Spring generate Excel, Spring Boot export data to excel

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