How to generate QR Code in Excel using VBA | Create QR Code In Excel

How to generate QR Code in Excel using VBA with Googleapis QR Code
*** Note : Connect internet when you test this example, If you don’t have internet it cannot work.

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Function GenerateQR(qrcode_value As String)

Dim URL As String
Dim My_Cell As Range

Set My_Cell = Application.Caller
URL = ” & qrcode_value
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Pictures(“My_QR_CODE_” & My_Cell.Address(False, False)).Delete
On Error GoTo 0
With Selection.ShapeRange(1)
.Name = “My_QR_CODE_” & My_Cell.Address(False, False)
.Left = My_Cell.Left + 5
.Top = My_Cell.Top + 5
End With
GenerateQR = “”

End Function

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Tag: code trong excel, i Tutorials, iTutorial, iTutorials, i Tutorial, Information Technology, Computer Training, Microsoft Office,រៀន, Training, Fix Problem, Solve Problem, Puthea Black, Training Video, Tutorial Video, Excel VBA, QR Code in Excel, How to generate QR Code in Excel

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